Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Joanne - You look awesome!!!!

Joanne on couch
Glitter Graphics

Joanne & Jason
Build your own Blingee


  1. Happy Birthday Joanne! You look very regal and so you should because you are! Hope your celebration is filled with fun, laughter, friends and family -- not to mention drinking, dancing and misbehaving in general! Live for Today!


  2. Donna,

    this is a belated birthday wish! Naturally, you look the best of any of us! I hope you had the best birthday ever. You are the glue that keeps us together and I am so grateful that you are creative and choose to spend your time indulging us! I hope we can continue like this forever!


  3. Joanne,
    Hope you have a great 56th (ouch) birthday. We've shared some great times together, like my puking cherry vodka in the Gino's parking lot because you were not paying attention to me, our ride home from the Stone Balloon when we ended up in Galena MD, the time you tripped over the vacumn cleaner & your mother accused you of smoking "that marijuana" & many more.
    You always make me laugh & that is a wonderful
    Happy Birthday & many, many more!!!!!
    Diva Pork

  4. Hey Joanne Riely, who'd a thought we'd be here a half century later toasting each have been a trusted loyal friend through my ups and downs and go arounds...I value your friendhsip and our wonderful talks on life, politics, religion and whatever else came to ming. I especially remember you giving me a job when the temp agency said I was unemployable and our juants at the Logan House and other fine Wilmington establishments're the best,
    have a great year, anne

  5. Happy Birthday Joanne!

    Your pictures are just slammin!! You look fantastic! Thanks for being the fun, caring supportive friend you have for more years than I can count. We've had many, many great times together over the years. I particularly will never forget our Florida adventure with Marie. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and birthday month.

    Diva Karen

  6. Dear Joanne,

    Happy Birthday. And va-va-va-voom. That Donna, wherever did she ever find that photo of you from your nightclub days? Can I borrow that little leopard skin number sometime? I can also recall some of our mad cap shenanigans. Remember Cordella catching us smoking behind the school? How about the time we ended up on the median strip in Elsmere in your Dad's car, in the pouring rain at rush hour. At least people we knew were nice enough to honk and wave. You're a dear friend. Hope you enjoy your day and have a delightfully happy and healthy new birth year. Remember one day older only matters if you are a banana. Come to think of it..

    Diva Gayle

  7. Joanne,

    Happy 56th Birthday to my dear friend! Where have all the years gone. We have so many wonderful memories of the old days, to many to list. Of course Margate is one of the fondest, funniest and most memorable. Your pictures are great as I knew Donna would do you good. I hope you enjoy your birthday in good health and happiness.

